Monday, August 10, 2009

S+S 2009 Staged Readings

Last night a whole bunch of us got together for the Short+Sweet 2009 Staged Readings. The first time I did a staged reading was last year and it was an interesting experience. So when the opportunity came up again this year I thought why not.

I read a few of the plays and found one I believed I would've enjoyed directing and it helped that I knew the writer, Sharon Lam. The play was titled "What happens after a fairytale ending". In a nutshell, it was about Cinderella and Prince Charming's marriage breaking up. But of course, in true fairytale style all's well that ends well. I was busy with other stuff so it was a while before I got around to finding a cast. However, the theatre gods must've been watching over me since I had Malik Taufiq, Shantini Venugopal and Gowri Paary cast in the play. Malik and Shan played the Prince and Cinderella while Gowri played a reporter. Sesha and Qahar helped with the off-stage voices.

I already had an idea of how I wanted the whole thing to be played and discussed it with the cast. We had such a blast rehearsing for it and performing it. We were probably the most overdressed group in the staged readings but what fun it was! It was great to hear the audience cheer, stomp their feet and generally enjoying the performance. I am truly appreciative of the people who helped me bring this play to life. To them a heartfelt thank you.

Malik, Shan and Gowri at the Press Conference announcing the divorce

Has the love completely gone?

Cinderella attempts all hope lost?

If ever you get an opportunity to watch a staged reading, do it. It's more fun than performance pieces and way less informal.

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