Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Of passing times

Looks like I missed October. Damn. So much for a comeback. Well, what can I say? I'm genetically lazy. I seriously wonder how people can make a living out of blogging. I mean, it takes a strong will, discipline and commitment to stick to this. I have all of that just not all at the same time I guess. :-D

October breezed by pretty fast. November seems to be headed in the same direction. I still have tonnes of photos I've not uploaded and stories I've not shared. On top of this I'm thinking if I should start other topic specific blogs (like it's going to make a difference to my level of gung-ho-ness). Somebody just slap me now before I do something stupid.

I have things to put up here. I just thought it'll be nice if I could write and add pictures. And so the waiting continues.....